Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What causes CP?

Before we get into the inner workings of cerebral palsy, this week's story is from Victoria Conrad. It's been inspiring to read and listen to so many portraits of people living with CP. Each person is affected so differently, and has different strategies for adapting to their lack of muscle control.

Cerebral palsy is a set of muscle control disorders that are thought to be caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain of a fetus or newborn-- CP is tied to a number of different risk factors, including some infections during pregnancy, lung immaturity (especially in premature newborns), seizures shortly after birth, a knot in the umbilical cord, or the newborn breathing in some of its first bowel movement during labor. The many different potential causes of CP are still being researched.

This research is crucial. Cerebral palsy affects many different parts of a child's life, and the lives of their loved ones.

There is a great deal of research into medical malpractice and cerebral palsy cases, as well-- some groups blame medication and delivery errors. These concerns make it even more crucial for the specific causes of CP to be identified.

Cerebral Palsy Infographic: Mother or baby may not have received proper medical care for a number of reasons. If you feel your health care provider acted with negligence, contact Sokolove Law at 800-568-7314, or for more information visit:


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